Something you need to keep in mind and never forget is that when you exercise, you are training for life. You still may spend an hour a day in the gym, although that will still leave another 23 hours or so for your muscles to function without using any fancy equipment.
Whenever you do any type of exercise, the movement of your body during the exercise is known as the range of motion. The more difficult the range of motion is, the more effective the exercise will be, because your body has to work twice as hard to perform the movement.
Take for the instance the classic dumbbell bicep curl. If you aren't familiar with the exercise, it is performed by standing up straight with your palms facing forward, and a pair of dumbbells held down by your sides. You'll contract your biceps to bring the dumbbells up to your shoulder height, then repeat the exercise as many times as you wish.
Using that same movement for exercise on a bicep curl machine, you should sit down, brace your upper arms on a pad, grasp 2 handles that are in front of you, then perform the same movement as above to move the handles in an upward motion.
Now, looking at the muscle contractions in this exercise, you are contracting essentially your biceps if you are using the curl machine, and that is pretty much all you are doing. When you use the machine you are sitting down, which will limit just how much your shoulders give. The machine has several muscles used in this exercise limited to the biceps, as well as the muscles in your forearms and fingers.
Most of the time, when using machine weights, you will always be limited as to what type of exercise you can perform. You must always follow a strict procedure, which is pretty much the same with free weights. Unlike free weights, machine weights offer a certain degree of resistance.
One of the best thing about free weights is the fact that you move a little chuck around to select the weight you want to use. Instead of dragging it over to your exercise area, you simply select it on the machine. When you are tired during a workout, this can be a blessing.
A lot of people argue in the fact that free weights are the best for your body. While this is normally true, many people out there feel that machine weights are the best. There are pros and cons with both machines, although free weights have been around a lot longer and have been proven time after time to achieve dramatic results.
Body builders for example, have used free weights over the years to build very impressive bodies. If you ask most of them about machine weights, they would probably laugh at you and tell you that you need to quit joking around.
In a nutshell, free weights will use more of your muscles than the machines do, which makes them more effective overall. This doesn't mean that the machines are a waste of use, as they offer some great advantages. In some cases, it is best to stabilize the muscles that are being used in a movement, which is where machines are the best to use.
The decision on which to use for you should be based on what you hope to achieve with lifting weights and where you plan to use the equipment, such as home or at a gym. Both systems are great for your body, although the free weights are best to use if you want the best possible workout, and always ensure that your muscles are getting the right workouts they need.
Anytime you exercise, your brain releases chemicals known as endorphins that produce a feeling of euphoria, which is known as "runners high", which is also very easy to become chemically addicted to.
Without this rush, you'll feel irritable and out of it until you exercise again. Therefore, you'll go on exercising and not listen to what your body is actually telling you - which is to stop.
The main reason addicts will continue to push themselves lies in what will happen when they don't work out. Normally when they are unable to exercise, they will display signs of depression, anxiety, confusion, and be less happy with themselves.
Aches and pains
Over exercising doesn't only affect the mind, but the body as well. Exercise will initially do what it is intended to do, give you a fit body but once you cross the line however, it can drastic. Muscle damage, osteoarthritis, and heart problems will all be waiting in the wings if you continue to overdo it. The body has limits and if you push beyond that limit, you'll do nothing but harm yourself.
Obsessive exercise tends to happen among those who are new to exercise. Therefore, if you are keen to reap the benefits of getting fit, you'll tend to overstep the limits.
The initial signs of over exercise are exhaustion, which can lead to a build up of fatigue. Keep in mind, it isn't only the muscles that are at risk, but the bones as well. Many people who exercise push themselves to the point of injuries such as shin splints or even stress fractures, then refuse to rest, which causes greater and sometimes even permanent damage.
Even a brisk walk in the morning doesn't come without risk, as walking too much can lead to osteoarthritis. When you walk, you are working against gravity. Even though you are exercising your muscles, you are also harming your knee joints as well.
Many people who walk up to an hour or more everyday end up with complaints of aches in the knees. The fact is, jogging also harms the knees, and too many sit ups can hurt as well. As with any type of exercise, moderation is the key.
You should always start off gradually, and combine several different types of workouts, which is one thing that obsessive exercisers forget to do. One of the biggest complication factors of people who get addicted to exercise is that they will tend to perform the same workout each and every day, which further increases the risk of permanent damage.
Think right!
You should never work out to the point where you feel completely exhausted once you have finished. Your limit with exercise should be 45 minutes to an hour, four or five days a week. When you are finished, your workout should leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Every week should make it a point to take a day's break - as your body will need to relax and rejuvenate.
The key to achieving this completely lies in your attitude, as exercising is the way to a healthy life. If you do it only to please yourself, you'll defeat the entire purpose when you stand there on the weighing machine.
If you take things one day at a time and don't over do it, you'll be well on your way to a healthy body. Exercising can be a lot of fun and a way to relax, if you don't rush it. Start off slow and gradually work your way up. Before you know it, you'll know how to prevent injuries before they happen and you'll know exactly what you need to do to remain healthy.
Organic refers to the way agricultural products —
food and fiber — are grown and processed. Organic food production is
based on a system of farming that maintains and replenishes soil
fertility without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and
What Does “Certified Organic” Mean?
Organic foods are minimally processed without artificial
ingredients, preservatives, or irradiation to maintain the integrity of
the food.
“Certified Organic” means the item has been grown according to strict
uniform standards that are verified by independent state or private
organizations. Certification includes inspections of farm fields and
processing facilities, detailed record keeping, and periodic testing of
soil and water to ensure that growers and handlers are meeting the
standards which have been set. The USDA requires that all USDA Certified
Organic products contain at least 95 percent organic ingredients.
Can Any Type of Agricultural Product Become Certified Organic? Yes,
any agricultural product that meets third-party or state certification
requirements may be considered organic. Organic foods are becoming
available in an impressive variety, including pasta, prepared sauces,
frozen juices, frozen meals, milk, ice cream and frozen novelties, cereals, meat, poultry, breads, soups, chocolate, cookies, beer, wine, vodka and more.
These foods, in order to be certified organic, have all been grown
and processed according to organic standards and must maintain a high
level of quality. Organic fiber products, too, have moved beyond
T-shirts, and include bed and bath linens, tablecloths, napkins,
cosmetic puffs, feminine hygiene products, and men’s, women’s and
children’s clothing in a wide variety of styles.
The federal government sets standards for the production, processing
and certification of organic food in the Organic Food Production Act of
1990 (OFPA). The National Organic Standards Board was then established
to develop guidelines and procedures to regulate all organic crops.
The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) during December 2000
unveiled detailed regulations to implement OFPA. These took effect back
on April 21, 2001, with an 18-month implementation period ending October
2002. At that time, any food labeled organic must meet these national
organic standards. USDA’s National Organic Program oversees the program.
Are All Organic Products Completely Free of Pesticide Residues? Certified
organic products have been grown and handled according to strict
standards without toxic and persistent chemical inputs. However, organic
crops are inadvertently exposed to agricultural chemicals that are now
pervasive in rain and ground water due to their overuse during the past
fifty years in North America, and due to drift via wind and rain.
Do Organic Farmers Ever Use Pesticides?
Prevention is the organic farmer’s primary strategy for disease,
weed, and insect control. By building healthy soils, organic farmers
find that healthy plants are better able to resist disease and insects.
Organic producers often select species that are well adapted for the
climate and therefore resist disease and pests. When pest populations
get out of balance, growers will try various options like insect
predators, mating disruption, traps, and barriers. If these fail,
permission may be granted by the certifier to apply botanical or other
nonpersistent pest controls under restricted conditions. Botanicals are
derived from plants and are broken down quickly by oxygen and sunlight.
How Will Purchasing Organic Products Help Keep Our Water Clean?
Conventional agricultural methods can cause water contamination.
Beginning in May 1995, a network of environmental organizations,
including the Environmental Working Group, began testing tap water for
herbicides in cities across the USAs’ Corn Belt, and in Louisiana and
Maryland. The results revealed widespread contamination of tap water
with many different pesticides at levels that present serious health
risks. In some cities, herbicides in tap water exceed federal lifetime
health standards for weeks or months at a time. The organic farmer’s
elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching, in combination
with soil building, works to prevent contamination, and protects and
conserves water resources.
Is Organic Food Better For You?
There is no conclusive evidence at this time to suggest that organically
produced foods are more nutritious. Rather, organic foods and fiber are
spared the application of toxic and persistent insecticides,
herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers. Many EPA-approved pesticides
were registered long before extensive research linked these chemicals to
cancer and other diseases. In the long run, organic farming techniques
provide a safer, more sustainable environment for everyone.
Why Does Organic Food Sometimes Cost More?
Prices for organic foods reflect many of the same costs as
conventional items in terms of growing, harvesting, transportation and
storage. Organically produced foods must meet stricter regulations
governing all of these steps, so the process is often more labor-and
management-intensive, and farming tends to be on a smaller scale. There
is also mounting evidence that if all the indirect costs of conventional
food production — cleanup of polluted water, replacement of eroded
soils, costs of health care for farmers and their workers — were
factored into the price of food, organic foods would cost the same or,
more likely, be cheaper. (Source: Organic Trade Association)
Organic Food Standards and Labels: The Facts
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has put in place a set of national
standards that food labeled “organic” must meet, whether it is grown in
the United States or imported from other countries. After October 21,
2002, when you buy food labeled “organic,” you can be sure that it was
produced using the highest organic production and handling standards in
the world.
What Is Organic Food?
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of
renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance
environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry,
eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics
or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most
conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or
sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation.
Before a product can be labeled “organic,” a Government-approved
certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the
farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic
standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets
to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.
When I Go To The Supermarket, How Can I Tell Organically Produced Food From Conventionally Produced Food? You
must look at package labels and watch for signs in the supermarket.
Along with the national organic standards, USDA developed strict
labeling rules to help consumers know the exact organic content of the
food they buy. The USDA Organic seal also tells you that a product is at
least 95 percent organic.
Will I Find the USDA Organic Seal on All 100-percent Organic Products, or Products with at Least 95-percent Organic Ingredients? No. The use of the seal is voluntary.
How is Use of the USDA Organic Seal Protected? People
who sell or label a product “organic” when they know it does not meet
USDA standards can be fined up to 10,000 dollars for each violation.
Does Natural Mean Organic?
No. Natural and organic are not interchangeable. Other truthful
claims, such as free range, hormone free, and natural, can still appear
on food labels. However, don’t confuse these terms with “organic.” Only
food labeled “organic” has been certified as meeting USDA organic
Top Reasons People are Going-Green
More than half of consumers who buy organic believe that it is better
for their health, as well as better for the environment. So what are
the top reasons they go green when buying food and beverage?
To avoid pesticides: 70.3 percent
Freshness: 68.3 percent
Health and nutrition: 67.1 percent
To avoid genetically modified foods: 55 percent
Source of stats: Whole Foods Market Organic Trend Tracker
Organic vs. Conventional Produce
shoppers believe organic produce is healthier than conventional,
according to recent Boston University studies. Does that notion match
the facts? Here is what experts say about key issues.
Is Organic Produce Safer?
Conventional: Stringent federal regulations make it unlikely that conventional produce, such as apples,
harbor harmful pesticide levels by the time they reach consumers. The
untreated manure used in organic agriculture contains harmful bacteria
(E. coli, for example) that could pose more of a safety threat than
conventional produce.
Organic: Pesticide levels may not be high on
conventional produce but their use damages the environment. Most
pesticides miss their targets and are dispersed throughout the
environment. Conventional farmers actually use more manure than organic
Conclusion: At this time, there is no research available to make a clear case that an organic peach or pear
or apple is safer than a conventional one. And the USDA says its
organic seal is simply confirmation of a method of production, not a
safety endorsement.
Does Organic Produce Taste Better?
Conventional: If you did a blind taste test, people
would not be able to tell the difference between an organic apple and a
conventional one. Taste is due to chemicals. And the chemical
composition of an organic apple and a conventionally grown apple are
Organic: Most reports of a flavor advantage for organic are anecdotal. Some insist flavor is enhanced in organic produce.
Conclusion: Taste is subjective. But there is a distinct flavor advantage when produce — conventional or organic — is freshly picked.
Is Organic Produce More Nutritious?
Conventional: Plants have genetic codes that
determine much of their nutrient profile. If you analyzed the two in a
lab, you most likely would not be able to tell the difference.
Organic: A handful of controversial studies suggests
organic produce may contain more of certain nutrients. But even organic
experts admit there are too many factors that influence plant growth to
make a case for added nutrition.
Conclusion: Many organic advocates feel that trying to identify a nutritional difference between the two types of produce is fruitless.
Produce Problems
Not so long ago, your biggest food safety worries lingered over
under-cooked hamburgers and egg salad at a picnic. But recent food-borne
illness breakouts have made us painfully aware that it can occur just
as easily in fresh produce.
How can something so good for us become scary? One obvious reason is
that we are eating more produce in its raw form, without the
microorganism-destroying advantages of cooking.
Fixing the Produce Problem
A lot of energy has been poured into minimizing the risk for produce
contamination. It’s a good thing, as there are lots of opportunities for
contamination en route from field to fork. Farms have concerns like
irrigation water, manure, worker hygeine and sanitation of harvest
equipment. Processing industries have issues like sanitary equipment,
pest control, and temperature control.
Once the food leaves the processing unit, in-transit temperature and
sanitation concerns kick in. And at the final destination – from grocery
stores and restaurants to household refrigerators – responsibilities
continue for safe handling. That’s why the fresh produce industry is
implementing standards to address all of the risks that can occur as
produce moves from farm to table. Just keep in mind that consumers share
the responsibility for safe produce.
Buy Local Produce
It’s not only a matter of hometown pride — it’s a way to maximize
nutrients. When produce in the grocery store has traveled a great
distance, nutrients break down due to exposure to light, time, etc. Your
next best bet is frozen fruit and vegetables; freezing preserves the
Tips For Keeping Produce Safe
Purchase produce that is not damaged.
Choose fresh cut produce that is refrigerated properly.
Maintain produce separate from meat, poultry and seafood products.
Store perishable fresh fruits and vegetables in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees or below.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap before and after preparing fresh produce.
All produce should be thoroughly washed before eating.
Dry produce with a clean cloth or paper towel to further reduce bacteria.
Can the symptoms of food-borne illness be mistaken for something else?
Yes. Foodborne illness often shows itself as flu-like symptoms such
as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever, so many people may not
recognize that the illness is caused by bacteria or other pathogens in
food. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that
many of the intestinal illnesses commonly referred to as stomach flu are
actually caused by foodborne pathogens. People do not associate these
illnesses with food because the onset of symptoms often occurs two or
more days after the contaminated food was eaten.
Bigger is not Always Better
The next time you’re in the produce aisle, try thinking small. The
larger your produce, the fewer nutrients it packs per ounce, according
to the Organic Center, a nonprofit research organization. Their new
report examined several recent studies and revealed some interesting
findings. For instance, they found that the more a tomato weighs, the
lower its concentration of the antioxidant lycopene — even if it’s
organic. Researchers believe that high-yield farming, which often
focuses on the quantity of crops, rather than their quality, may be to
blame. Bottom line: Fill your cart with petite fruits and vegetables.
The quiz that follows will update you on the seven most important pieces of dietary advice that have recently been revised.
If you consume the recommended six to eleven servings of grains a day, it does not matter which grains you choose.True or False
If you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and consume the
recommended five to nine daily servings, it does not matter much which
fruits you choose. True or False
Cutting back on fat and limiting your intake of dietary cholesterol
are the most effective dietary steps you an take to reduce your “bad”
LDL cholesterol. True or False
Eating too much fat is the primary dietary cause of obesity. True or False
Many people need to cut back on carbohydrates, even if they do not have diabetes. True or False
Post-menopausal women should get all the calcium they can. True or False
High-protein diets increase the risk of heart disease, cancer or both. True or False
Correct Answers:
1. False. Whole grains are better for you than
refined ones. The Department of Agriculture recently modified the base
of its familiar food pyramid by advising that at least three of the
daily six to eleven servings should be whole grains because they offer
more nutritional bang for the caloric buck.
Whole grains have been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease,
diabetes, and some cancers. They are also more filling and thus may help
with weight control. Some of those benefits come from the higher fiber content of whole grains. Moreover, whole grains likely contain a host of other still-unidentified phytochemicals that are lost in the refining process and are likely to offer additional protection.
2. True. Nearly all fruits and vegetables contain a host of vitamins, minerals or less-well-known nutrients, including antioxidants, flavonoids,
sulfur compounds and a variety of fibers, each of which protects health
in unique and complementary ways. Researchers suspect there are
hundreds of other protective substances that have not yet been
While some studies focus on linking particular foods to protection against certain diseases – such as tomatoes
warding off prostate cancer – there is far stronger evidence that a
diet rich in a variety of produce protects against a wide range of
diseases. Having a choice of appetizing foods to select from can also
help you stay motivated to eat the recommended five to nine daily
servings produce.
3. False. Cutting total fat without also reducing saturated fat or trans fat intake will have no effect on your “bad” LDL cholesterol
level. What is important is to replace some bad fat in your diet with
some good fat. That means limiting intake of saturated fat (found mainly
in animal foods) and trans fat (found in foods made with partially
hydrogenated oil, such as most margarine’s and many commercially
prepared foods) while boosting your intake of unsaturated fats, such as
those in olive, peanut, canola, corn and soybean oils.
And while limiting dietary cholesterol — found especially in egg
yolks and meat – to under 200 milligrams a day can lower LDL cholesterol
by an estimated five percent, the National Cholesterol Education
Program (NCEP) recently identified two other measures that can each be
just as effective: Consuming five to ten grams a day of soluble fiber
(found in fruits, vegetables, and legumes) and two grams a day of plant
sterols (contained in products such as Benecol and Take Control
A third step — consuming 25 grams a day of soy protein, from various
soy foods, including soy milk and tofu — may also provide comparable
coronary protection and my also help ward off certain cancers.
4. False. Fat consumption is not the primary cause
of weight gain. Over the past two decades the percentage of calories
from fat in the average American’s diet has actually declined slightly
while the rate of obesity has nearly doubled.
People have cut back on whole milk, butter, margarine and certain
cuts of red meat — but eating a whole lot more of almost everything
else, including many low fat foods compensates them. Unfortunately, such
foods often contain as many calories as regular versions, since
manufacturers often adjust for the loss of tasty fat by adding extra
sugar. The net result: an increase in total calories consumed. And it is
total calories that count most when it comes to weight gain.
5. True. Nutrition experts have long preached that carbohydrates
should form the basis of the American diet. But last year the NCEP said
that roughly a quarter of American adults may need to cut back on
carbohydrates. Those are people with the metabolic syndrome — a
condition marked by marginally elevated blood glucose levels, excess
abdominal fat, high blood pressure, a low level of the “good” HDL
cholesterol and a high triglyceride level.
Those individuals should get roughly 50 percent of their calories
from carbohydrates instead of the usually recommended 60 percent. That
is because carbohydrates can worsen insulin resistance — prediabetics
condition that is the underlying problem behind the metabolic syndrome.
People who have the syndrome should cut back on carbohydrates but not
reduce their intake of whole grains. In fact, whole grains are especially important for them, since the high fiber content may help prevent diabetes.
6. False. Most post-menopausal women – like most people in general – do fail to get enough calcium.
But in recent years food manufacturers have started adding calcium to
everything from orange juice to candy and SpaghettiO’s. People who stock
up on such foods could get too much calcium, especially if they also
pop a daily calcium supplement.
The National Academy of Sciences has identified 2,500 milligrams as
the safe upper limit for daily calcium consumption. Regularly consuming
more than that may cause kidney stones and kidney damage and block the
absorption of other nutrients.
By all means, make sure you get enough calcium — generally 1,000
milligrams a day for adults under age 50 and 1,500 milligrams for
post-menopausal women and everyone over age 65 — just don’t go
7. False. Protein consumption itself is not the
problem. Heavy meat eaters are more likely than others to develop
coronary disease, but that increased risk almost certainly comes from
the saturated fat in most meats, not the protein. And while some
research does suggest that protein from red meat may increase the risk of certain cancers, that evidence is inconsistent.
But the lack of a strong connection between animal protein and heart
disease or cancer does not mean you can safely load up on it. Not only
is animal protein often inextricably linked to artery-clogging saturated
fat, but also recent evidence does link protein from animal sources,
particularly red meat, to an increased risk of osteoporosis.
The effect of protein from dairy foods is still unclear, though the
risk seems greatest with hard cheeses. So, it is best to get as much of
your protein as you can from plant foods such as soy products, beans and whole-wheat bread, as well as low fat dairy products, especially fluid ones like milk, cottage cheese and yogurt.